When it comes to online marketing, ask us. While we are certainly not a performance marketing agency, we are great when it comes to developing your entire strategy and all the assets. Be it video ads for YouTube or Facebook, to Search Engine Optimization and specialized landing pages, we have plenty experience. And we also can set up your Search Engine Marketing Campaign in Google Ads (formerly AdWords). The benefit for your company: once it is set up and optimized, it doesn’t require that much skill to manage it yourself. Instead of hiring a performance marketing agency, hire us to train you. We prefer developing your content marketing strategy and optimizing your website for the search engines. [Contact us for a meeting]
If you have a service or a product, that requires explaining, than a video is perfect. Generally people are way longer engaged in your message, when they can just consume it. And since YouTube belongs to Google, it is at the same time the cheapest way of promoting your message in Google. Whenever Google things your video content might be relevant, it gets displayed almost at the very top of the search results.
Verkaufen Sie Kleidung? Oder andere Standardprodukte wie T-Shirts oder Tassen? Alles, was selbsterklärend ist und sich nur durch das Design unterscheidet, ist perfekt für Display-Anzeigen. Mit Retargeting kann Ihre Anzeige Ihre Zielgruppe zu allen anderen Websites «verfolgen», die sie besuchen. Aber es gibt eine Reihe weiterer Tools, mit denen Sie Ihr Online-Marketing mit Google-Anzeigen optimieren können. Wir richten die Landing pages für Ihre Kunden ein und optimieren den Conversion-Prozess – von Besucher zu Kunde.
Search Engine Marketing
While the keyword “furniture store” might be almost impossible to get on the first page, the story looks completely different, if you are associating it with your location. All of a sudden you are only competing with the other stores in your area and surprisingly enough, many of them don’t optimize their online presence.
Search Engine Optimization is the holy grail of online marketing. Also called organic search results, it simply means that Google deems your website interesting enough to display at the first page and at the top of the page. Surprisingly it doesn’t even require that much work, to accomplish this if you are a local company.
Instagram and Pinterest
Are you looking for a younger, more visual, demographics? Using Instagram and Pinterest posts is a wonderful way of hooking this age group to your brand. It might depend on your products or services, but we can certainly help you to determine if this is a viable route.
Newsletter & Email-Marketing
It seems almost ancient and obsolete, but the truth is that email marketing is still one of the best tools to do online marketing. Seth Godin coined the term “Permission Marketing” many years ago. His basic premise back then was that traditional “Impression Marketing” is dead because of the oversaturation in the market.
However, if you can convince your audience, that you will send them really important and valuable information, then many will sign up to your newsletter. We set up the tools and automatic email campaigns, that will keep your visitors engaged. A friendly reminder one a week will do wonders for your sales.